Leica Digicat 750i
The Leica Digicat 750i SMARTREADY locator delivers an all encompassing digital system with the use of GPS technology, data logging and bluetooth connections allowing documentation for where, when and how it the system has been used.
The ability to locate and record positions of buried utilities before excavation work is highly significant. Through its ability to minimise operator injury and expensive costs associated with asset damage.
The 750i is able to seamlessly connect through bluetooth with Apple and Android mobile devices. Reducing restriction of use and increasing the fleets utilisation for the 750i.
With automatic pinpointing manual adjustments are a thing of the past, ensuring optimum sensitivity for your job-site you are detecting underground utilities in. As well as reducing the likelihood of human error saving money and time.
In addition to its connection with mobile devices data collected on the 750i can be easily transferred via bluetooth to your PC, using LOGiCAT VU software. Once transferred the GPS data can be analysed in google maps providing extra visibility of activities. Which you can use to identify training needs and for providing traceability of activities following a near miss or utility strike.
In conjunction with a Digitex 100t or 300t signal transmitter depth estimation accuracy can be improved and the application scopes can be increased. The 750i also features a hazard zone alert with signal service indicator, built-in self-test and a service due indicator for increased reliability.